Refund Policy

We aim to ensure that our users are completely satisfied with their experience. We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned, and you may need to request a refund. Our policy for refunding credits is designed to be fair and transparent. Here’s how it works:

Eligibility for Refund

Unused Credits: Refunds are available only for credits that have not been used. Once credits are spent, they cannot be refunded. Sufficient

Credit Balance: You must have enough credits in your account to cover the refund. For instance, if you're seeking a refund for a 100-credit pack, you should have at least 100 unused credits in your balance.

Time Frame: Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the purchase. Beyond this period, credit purchases are considered final.

Refund Method: Refunds will be processed using the original method of payment.

Exceptions and Limitations

We reserve the right to refuse a refund request if it is found that the credits have been partially used or if the request is made outside the specified time frame. Refunds are not available for promotional or bonus credits received as part of special offers or events.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance with the refund process, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team

Recent Revision Date: 24 November 2023